apache-commons-lang :: javapackages-tools may be too new - might need the old 5.3.x vs. the current 6.0? (javapackages-tools -> python-nose -> python-coverage) (may have to force-install the 5.3, or patch requires to be < 6? apache-ivy :: need ivy-local, def. need javapackages-tools 5.3.x (new one doesn't provide it) apache-sshd :: needs bouncycastle aqute-bnd-4.3 :: needs mvn(jline:jline) bouncycastle :: Error: Could not find or load main class aQute.bnd.main.bnd - might need older 4.3 version of aqute-bnd? (if we need older aqute, may need to patch for requiring it) jline2 :: nothing provides mvn(org.fusesource.hawtjni:hawtjni-runtime) needed by jansi1-1.18-9.el9.noarch log4j :: might need older jackson-annotations 2.11.4-2 (vs. newer 2.11.4-6 with pki-jackson-* packages?) (compare root.log vs. c9s) openssl :: Failing opensslapi test, diabling test (for now) (done) slf4j-1.7.30-9 :: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:3.0.0:run (default) on project slf4j-api: You are using 'tasks' which has been removed from the maven-antrun-plugin. (too new maven-antrun?) (need older maven-antrun plugin, 1.8.x, not 3.0) zchunk :: Failing tests, disabling test. This package is cut in the future, and pkgs that depend on it no longer need it. ################################################# Currently examined dependency trees: aqute-bnd jline2 jansi1 *hawtjni (done) xbean 4.15 (mvn(org.apache.xbean:xbean-finder)) (done) log4j mvn(org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-1.2-api) (still has issues) *hawtjni (done) xbean 4.15 (done) slf4j-1.7.30-8 mvn(org.slf4j:slf4j-ext) (done) maven-antrun-plugin 1.8 (older version) (done)